Tuesday, January 5, 2010
A Final Glance
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Rights to Write: Task Eleven
- How do you like the weekly writing prompts? Are they interesting or boring? Inspirational or weird? Are they related to your life? Can you suggest anything better and give some examples?
- Do you like the two-way online discussion with your keypal? Or do you think we should have more people (like 3~4 students) form a group blog to exchange ideas? Why or why not?
- Have you encountered any difficulties during the semester when using blogs to discuss with your keypal, e.g., computer problems or anything?
- How do you like the project website? Are they friendly enough? Have we left out any important content? How do you like the layout/design?
- What have you gained from this blog activity?
- If you had an opportunity to start over, would you have done anything differently? If so, how?
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Rights to Write: Task Ten
- Please offer your suggestions as how we can grade your performance better?
- Based on the criteria you suggested in Q1, please give a score to yourself and explain how you’ve earned it.
- Based on the criteria you suggested in Q1, please give a score to your partner and explain how s/he has earned it.
- Content:
word count (How many words in the article?);
relevant to the topic or off topic (Are the questions in the task directly answered?);
originality (creativeness) - Structure:
coherence (Are the ideas logical?);
organization of paragraphs (Are the ideas well-organized?); - Spellings:
If the article is proofread, there will be fewer errors in it. - Punctuality:
Were the articles posted on time? - Bonus point:
Let teachers and teaching assistants choose two best articles (not the best blogs), one for FJU, the other for CCU. The authors will have bonus points, and there will be an announcement on the project website.
Rights to Write: Task Nine
- Based on your preference, what kind of classroom activity do you like most and which one do you like the least?
- Can you recall some very fun activity you experienced recently in class? Please describe it.
- When encountering some kind of difficult knowledge, do you have any strategies to process it?
- Based on your responses to Q1, Q2, and Q3, can you tell the type of learner you are? Why?
I may like the reading activity the least.
The games of Total Physical Response (TPR) in the TESL Methodology class were fun, but they were for children. For adults, I think the role play activities in TESL and Conversation (English Composition and Conversation III) were also very fun. We were given some situations, which turned out to be hilarious.
Knowledge is learned in writing form or hands-on form (skills or abilities). The strategies of the former are to make use of academic resources and to follow efficient steps of learning. The strategies of the latter may involve much practice and concentration.
Rights to Write: Task Eight
Dec 02-09 (Task 8 in Week 10)
Self Evaluation and Peer Review
Students, now you have been writing on your blog, writing to your partner for almost 2 months. It is time for you two to examine the work quality you two have been presenting. Please go to other students' blogs and read their posting (the more the better).
Compare among various viewpoints, writing styles, communication styles, interaction, and interesting insights between other groups and yours. Discuss with your partner through blog about your pair work quality and answer the following questions.
- From 1~10 (with 10 as the highest score), how well are you two doing? Please grade yourselves and give a suggestive score.
- How and why did you two decide the score?
- What kind of improvement are you two making in the remaining weeks of the semester?
[My Own Comments] Revised!
Discussing on the Messenger, we gave us 7.
Both of us made effort to write our reflections on the tasks. My keypal did a great job. She deserves a higher socre. The points taken off are because of my lateness.
To imporve our interaction, after I respond to my keypal's articles, she can respond to my comments.
[My Keypal's Comments and My Response]
Click "Week Ten" to read them.