Monday, November 2, 2009


Hi, nice to meet you online!

I have several blogs for different purposes. As the title above, this one is exclusive for the course of English Composition and Conversation III (Section B) instructed by Ms. Shih at FJU and the project of The Rights to Write by CCU.

Ms. Doris Shih's expertise is computer-assisted instruction, so her teaching style is closely related to CAI. For example, our classroom is a language lab with personal computers, and the students are required to write articles in their blogs.

Sometimes I spend time on my Wretch blog and other cyberspace; however, I seldom write articles in English unless I have particular inspiration and impulse. To write in English seems not that difficult but to express personal thoughts in a non-native language on the Web is really a challenge. I'll do my best.

Recently I often "waste" time on Facebook. Bad Apple! (in a tone of meta-fiction) I think I should finish all the pending tasks and catch up with my classmates and keypals AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

It's a good start, yeah! At least now I've written something.

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